; systeroid ~ configuration file ; https://github.com/orhun/systeroid ; ; Each line either contains a comment or a command line argument grouped under a section. ; Run "systeroid --help" or "systeroid-tui --help" to get a list of all possible configuration options. [general] ; display the deprecated parameters such as base_reachable_time and retrans_time while listing ; See https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=152435 display_deprecated = false ; path of the Linux kernel documentation ; this is distro dependent, systeroid checks the following locations as default: ; - /usr/share/doc/linux/ ; - /usr/share/doc/linux-doc/ ; - /usr/share/doc/linux-docs/ ; - /usr/share/doc/kernel-doc-*/Documentation/ kernel_docs = "/usr/share/doc/linux" [cli] ; ignore unknown variable errors ignore_errors = true ; do not print variable after the value is set quiet = false ; do not pipe output into a pager ; note that the default pager is less(1) and you can change it by using `PAGER` environment variable no_pager = false ; display type for the parameter, available options are: ; - default: print the parameter name along with its value ; - name: print only the name of the parameter ; - value: print only the value of the parameter ; - binary: print only the value of the parameter without new line display_type = "default" ; output type for the list, available options are: ; - default: print the output as is ; - tree: print the output in a tree-like format ; - json: print the output in JSON format output_type = "default" [cli.colors] ; available colors are defined in https://docs.rs/owo-colors/latest/owo_colors/colored/enum.Color.html ; default color for the symbols default_color = "bright black" ; section colors section_abi = "red" section_fs = "green" section_kernel = "magenta" section_net = "blue" section_sunrpc = "yellow" section_user = "cyan" section_vm = "bright red" section_unknown = "white" [tui] ; tick rate of the terminal tick_rate = 250 ; disable showing the parameter documentation no_docs = true ; path for saving the changed kernel parameters save_path = "/etc/sysctl.conf" ; file to save the logs ;log_file = "systeroid.log" [tui.colors] ; available colors are defined in https://docs.rs/tui/latest/tui/style/enum.Color.html ; terminal foreground color fg_color = "white" ; terminal background color bg_color = "black"